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Who will go to Bali?

Helping you learn Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

List of Common Verbs - Part 1

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Membaca = to read
Menulis = to write
Makan = to eat
Minum = to drink
Berbicara = to talk
Berkata = to say
Bercerita = to tell
Bertanya = to ask
Pergi = to go
Datang = to come
Mengendarai = to drive
Mengambil = to take
Berjalan = to walk
Berlari = to run
Bekerja = to work
Menonton = to watch
Belajar = to study
Mempelajari = to learn
Membuat = to make
Melihat = to see, to look
Menangis = to cry
Tersenyum = to smile
Mendengar = to hear, to listen
Merasakan = to feel
Mencium = to kiss
Menyentuh = to touch
Menaruh = to put
Membawa = to bring
Membantu = to help
Membuka = to open
Menutup = to close
Menunggu = to wait
Membunuh = to kill
Membeli = to buy
Menjual = to sell
Membayar = to pay
Meminjam = to borrow
Melompat = to jump
Menyanyi = to sing
Memulai = to begin
Mengundang = to invite
Memanggil = to call
Mencari = to search
Menemukan = to find
Merokok = to smoke
Mengetik = to type
Mengetahui = to know
Mengerti = to understand
Menarik = to pull
Mendorong = to push
Melakukan = to do
Menyukai = to like
Mencintai = to love
Membenci = to hate


posted by Budi, 5:01 PM | link | 0 comments |

Using Verbs in Indonesian

In Indonesian, all kinds of subjects must be followed by the same verb. There is no way to add "s" or "es" at the end of verbs. Consider the following examples:

Mereka berenang di kolam renang.
They swim in the swimming pool.

Laura berenang di kolam renang.
Laura swims in the swimming pool.

Verb: berenang (swim/swims)

Saya mengendarai mobil.
I drive a car.

John mengendarai mobil.
John drives a car.

Verb: mengendarai (drive/drives)

Kamu pergi ke sekolah.
You go to school.

Dia pergi ke sekolah.
He (or She) goes to school.

Verb: pergi (go/goes)


posted by Budi, 4:58 PM | link | 0 comments |

The Simplest Sentence in Indonesian

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Similar to English, in Indonesian (known as Bahasa Indonesia), the simplest sentence consists of a subject and a predicate. The main difference is in Bahasa Indonesia the predicate must not be a verb. So there is no "to be" inside. Please consider the following examples:

Saya belajar.
I study.

Subject: Saya (I)
Predicate [verb]: belajar (study)

Dia lapar.
He (or She) is hungry.

Subject: Dia (He or She)
Predicate [adjective]: lapar (hungry)

Mereka di Bali.
They are in Bali.

Subject: Mereka (They)
Predicate [adverb of place]: di Bali (in Bali)

This is very simple, isn't it? If you want to add an object in a sentence, place it after predicate. Here’s the examples:

Saya mencintai kamu.
I love you.

Subject: Saya (I)
Predicate: mencintai (love)
Object: kamu (you)

Dia menulis surat.
He (or She) writes a letter.

Subject: Dia (He or She)
Predicate: menulis (writes)
Object: surat (a letter)

John membaca buku.
John reads a book.

Subject: John
Predicate: membaca (reads)
Object: buku (a book)


There are six kinds of subjects in Indonesian:

saya or aku (I), kamu (you), and dia (he/she/it)

kami (we), kalian (you), and mereka (they)


saya or ku (me), kamu (you), and dia (him/her/it)

kami (us), kalian (you), and mereka (them)

More Examples

Alex membenci mereka.
Alex hates them.

Kami menyukai dia.
We like him (or her).

Sarah pergi ke Bali.
Sarah goes to Bali.

Dia cantik.
She is beautiful.

Dia tampan.
He is handsome.


posted by Budi, 5:43 PM | link | 0 comments |